Chris C. Brobeck

I was born in 1951, sold my first paintings in 1969, moved to Canada in 1972, and settled in Nova Scotia in 1993. It has been a somewhat peripatetic life which has given me an abundance of tools with which to explore life how and where I wish.
My artwork arises from direct engagement with the people, places, things, and ideas that make up my immediate world. I look to synthesize that experience with knowledge into understanding, bring that understanding into form through imagination, and express the form by exploring the resonance between internal conception and external representation. In short form, art is a means to express my understanding of the world, and the expression is a means to deepen that understanding. ,

Connie Borgen

Born in Copenhagen 1958 

Educated candidate in sociology and politics from the University of Århus.

Degree in sociology and politics from the University of Århus.

Been painting in oil since 1970.

Exhibitions in art societies and galleries in: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, USA, Italy.

Owner of “Galleria Trentadue” in Tuscany, Italy - where I spend most of the summer, having workshops and seeking inspiration.

Member of: Art Teachers Union of Denmark, Blue Doors, Strandvejens Kunstrute, and Art Network of South West Jutland.

Represented by Galleri Amare, Stavanger, Norway.

My artwork arises from direct engagement with people, places, things, and ideas of my immediate world. I look to synthesize that experience with knowledge into understanding, bring that understanding into form through imagination, and express the form by exploring the resonance between internal conception and external representation. As such, I found the impersonal nature of the collaboration awkward. My response is to focus on a couple very dear to me, and on how affection and trust create meaning from the chaos of the world.

I knew  that Chris had a very different  artistic style from me - but I also knew that he painted figuratively.

So I sent him a work showing a man lying, sleeping on the street, while his dog was watching over him.

It shows a different and not very idyllic part of the world. Surely this would be a challenge for an artist who often paints beautiful, naked women, I thought.

I received Chris´ piece and enjoyed a beautiful work from his hand, showing a young naked woman sitting looking at a firefly.

I changed her short hair to long and red, and painted a feather instead of the firefly.

The feather is the symbol of letting childhood go, casting off the slough.

I then painted the red-haired woman as she would look if she was about 10 years old.

I wanted to show the fragility of a child, the symbol is the egg she holds in her hands, showing also the fantasy world a 10 year old girl lives in, the symbol being the princess crown she is wearing.

The painting with the girl, was entitled: "Growing up"; the work with the woman was entitled: "Grown-up"

I was so happy to see that Chris gave my poor homeless man a woman by his side. And this work fits perfectly  into my little story about a girl growing up, being a woman creating/sculpting a man.

People on a Sunday

Growing up