Kay Stanfield

Stanfield ( BA, Bed, BFA ), a long-time resident of Dartmouth, NS, is actively engaged in the wider arts community as a volunteer, a teacher, a papermaker and an artist.

The narrative potential of crows and more recently gulls has been a creative wellspring for her encaustic collage works.


Flemming Rendbo

Flemming Rendbo  (1948). I am a self taught artist and a life-long teacher in art, crafts and design. Now an art consultant, art guide and artist, I am mainly working in a genre called Neo Pop Art. I create paintings, sculptures and objects/assemblages often using driftwood, recycled materials and objects, which fit my vintage expression.



The challenge of this project was immediately evident when Flemming’s work arrived in my studio.  It was surprisingly more difficult to begin than I had expected. 

Who knew that the murmuration of starlings would provide the solution to add an organic flow to the strong graphic patterning of cormorants and faces.   Starlings fly in these cloud-like formations for protective reasons and cormorants hang their wings out to dry. Both are beautiful and common to Nova Scotia and Denmark.

Kay Stanfield and I had a splendid dialogue and exchange of opinions. We soon found out that despite our different ways of technique and expression, collage, texture and narrative was something in common. A fascination with birds as a motif inspired us, and cormorants and starlings appeared in our works in a narrative way. Movement is also a mutual element in the end result of our individual and collective artworks. I think we were challenged and were stretched with new materials and subject matter.

Coming soon

Coming soon